Journal Publications
Journal Papers
[60] Constantinos Vrohidis, Panagiotis Vlantis, Charalambos Bechlioulis and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos “Reconfigurable Multi-robot Coordination with Guaranteed Convergence in Obstacle Cluttered Environments under Local Communication”, Autonomous Robots (accepted).
[59] Minas V. Liarokapis, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “Deriving Humanlike Arm Hand System Poses”, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics.
[58] Christos K. Verginis, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, Dimos V. Dimarogonas and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “Robust Distributed Control Protocols for Large Vehicular Platoons with Prescribed Transient and Steady State Performance”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10.1109/TCST.2017.2658180, February 2017, Volume: PP, Issue: 99, Page(s): 1 – 6.
[57] Meng Guo, Charalampos P. Bechlioulis, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos and Dimos V. Dimarogonas “Hybrid Control of Multi-agent Systems with Contingent Temporal Tasks and Prescribed Formation Constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems
[56] C. P. Bechlioulis, Shahab Heshmati-Alamdari, George Karras and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos “Trajectory Tracking with Prescribed Performance for Underactuated Underwater Vehicles under Model Uncertainties and External Disturbances”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
[55] P. Marantos, C. P. Bechlioulis and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos “Robust Trajectory Tracking Control for Small-scale Unmanned Helicopters with Model Uncertainties”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
[54] P. Marantos, Y. Koveos, and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “UAV State Estimation using Adaptive Complementary Filters”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Issue 99, Oct. 2015, pp 1-13.
[53] N. Palomeras, A. Carrera, N. Hurtos. G. C. Karras, C. P. Bechlioulis, M. Cashmore, D. Magazzeni, D. Long, M. Fox, K. J. Kyriakopoulos, P. Kormushev, J. Salvi, M. Carreras, “Towards Persistent autonomous intervention in a subsea panel”, Autonomous Robots, October 2016, Volume 40, Issue 7, pp 1279–1306.
[52] D. Panagou, H. G. Tanner and K. J. Kyriakopoulos “Control design for a class of nonholonomic systems via reference vector fields and output regulation”, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 137(8), 081011, August 2015, doi: 10.1115/1.4030335
[51] Dimitra Panagou and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos “Dynamic Positioning for an Underactuated Marine Vehicle using Hybrid Control”, International Journal of Control, Vol.87:2, pp. 264-280, 2014.
[50] Minas V. Liarokapis, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos and Elias S. Manolakos, “A Learning Scheme for Reach to Grasp Movements: On EMG-Based Interfaces Using Task Specific Motion Decoding Models”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol.17:5, pp.915-921, 2013.
[49] D. Panagou and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “Viability Control for a Class of Underactuated Systems”, Automatica, 49 (2013), pp. 17-29.
[48] Nicolas A. Tsokas and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “Multi-Robot Multiple Hypothesis Tracking for Pedestrian Tracking”, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 32, Issue 1 (2012), 63-79.
[47] Giannis Roussos and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos,”Decentralized Navigation and Conflict Avoidance for Aircraft in 3D Space”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 20, No. 6, November 2012, pp. 1622- 1629.
[46] X. Papageorgiou, H.G. Tanner, S.G. Loizou and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos “Switching manipulator control for motion on constrained surfaces”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, Vol. 62, No 2, May 2011, pp. 217-239.
[45] George C. Karras, Savvas G. Loizou and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “Towards semi-autonomous operation of under-actuated underwater vehicles: sensor fusion, on-line identification and visual servo control”, Autonomous Robots, Vol. 31, No 1, 67-86, 2011.
[44] Giannis Roussos, Dimos V. Dimarogonas and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos “3D Navigation and Collision Avoidance for Nonholonomic aircraft-like vehicles”, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 900-920, September 2010.
[43] Panagiotis K. Artemiadis, Pantelis T. Katsiaris and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “A biomimetic approach to inverse kinematics for a redundant robot arm,” Autonomous Robots, vol. 29(3), pp. 293-308, 2010.
[42] Panagiotis K. Artemiadis and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “A Switching Regime Model for the EMG-based Control of a Robot Arm,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part B, vol. 99, pp. 1-11, 2010.
[41] Panagiotis K. Artemiadis and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “An EMG-based Robot Control Scheme Robust to Time-varying EMG Signal Features,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 14(3), pp. 582-588, 2010.
[40] Panagiotis K. Artemiadis and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “3D EMG-based Control of a Robot Arm using Low-Dimensional Embeddings,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 26(2), pp. 393-398, 2010.
[39] D.V. Dimarogonas, P.Tsiotras and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Leader-Follower Cooperative Attitude Control of Multiple Rigid Bodies”, Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 429-435, June 2009.
[38] D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos, “Inverse agreement protocols with application to distributed multi-agent dispersion”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, March 2009. Volume: 54, Issue: 3, pages: 657-663.
[37] D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos, “Connectedness Preserving Distributed Swarm Aggregation for Multiple Kinematic Robots”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 1213-1223, October 2008.
[36] D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos, “A connection between formation infeasibility and velocity alignment in kinematic multi-agent systems”, Automatica, Vol. 44, No. 10, pp. 2648-2654, October 2008.
[35] Emanuele Cattin, Stefano Roccella, Nicola Vitiello, Clemens Eder, Irene Sardellitti, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis, Pierpaolo Vacalebri, Fabrizio Vecchi, Maria Chiara Carrozza, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, Paolo Dario, “Design and Development of a Novel Robotic Platform for Neuro-Robotics Applications: the NEURobotics ARM (NEURARM)”, RSJ journal on Advanced Robotics, special issue on “Robotic Platforms for Research in Neuroscience” RSJ Advanced Robotics, 22 (2008) 3–37.
[34] S.G. Loizou and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Navigation of Multiple Kinematically Constrained Robots”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 24 (1), pp. 221-231, Feb. 2008.
[33] D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos, “On the Rendezvous Problem for Multiple Nonholonomic Agents”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 916-922, May 2007.
[32] D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos, “Decentralized Navigation Functions for Multiple Robotic Agents with Limited Sensing Capabilities”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 411-433, March 2007.
[31] D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos, “A Feedback Control Scheme for Multiple Independent Dynamic Non-point Agents”, International Journal of Control, Vol. 79, No. 12, pp. 1613-1623, December 2006.
[30] G. Anousaki and K. J.Kyriakopoulos “Simultaneous Localization and Map-Building of Skid-Steered Robots in Structured Outdoor Environments”, ???? Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 79-89.
[29] Xanthi Papageorgiou, Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, “A Neuro-Dynamic Based Conflict Resolution Scheme for Air Traffic Management”, JASS Journal of Applied Systems Studies, Methodologies and Applications for Systems Approaches, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2005.
[28] D.V. Dimarogonas, S.G. Loizou, K.J. Kyriakopoulos and M.M. Zavlanos “A Feedback Stabilization and Collision Avoidance Scheme for Multiple Independent Non-point Agents”, Automatica, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 229-243, February 2006.
[27] S.G. Loizou and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “A feedback Based Multiagent Navigation Framework,” International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 37 (6), pp. 377-384, 2006.
[26] G.K. Fourlas, K.D. Vournas, K.J. Kyriakopoulos, “Hybrid Systems Modeling for Power Systems”, IEEE Circuit & Systems Magazine, vol.4, issue 3, pp. 16-23, 2004.
[25] G.K. Fourlas, K.J. Kyriakopoulos, N.J. Krikelis, “A general Framework for Model Based Fault Detection of Hybrid Systems”, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 3(7): 574-582, 2004.
[24] G.K. Fourlas, K.J. Kyriakopoulos, N.J. Krikelis, “Contribution to the Model Based Fault Detection of Hybrid Systems”, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 3(7): 566-573, 2004.
[23] G.K. Fourlas, K.J. Kyriakopoulos and N.J Krikelis “Model Based Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems Based on Hybrid Structure Hypothesis Testing” JASS of Applied Systems Studies Methodologies and Applications for Systems Approaches, vol. 4 (3), 2003.
[22] H.Tanner, S.Loizou and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Nonholonomic Navigation and Control of Cooperating Mobile Manipulators”, IEEE Trans. On Robotics & Automation, Feb 2003, Volume: 19, Issue: 1, page(s): 53- 64.
[21] H.Tanner and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Backstepping for non smooth systems”, Automatica, Volume 39, Issue 7, July 2003, Pages 1259-1265.
[20] H.Tanner and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Kane’s approach to modeling mobile manipulators”, Advanced Robotics, Volume 16, Number 1, 2002 , pp. 57-85(29).
[19] H.Tanner and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Mobile Manipulator Modeling with Kane’s Approach”, Robotica, vol.19, pp. 675-690, 2001.
[18] M.K.Viblis and K.J.Kyriakopoulos “Gesture Recognition: The Gesture Segmentation Problem”, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol.28, pp 151-158, 2000.
[17] H. G. Tanner, K. J. Kyriakopoulos and N. I. Krikelis, “Advanced Agricultural Robots: Kinematics and Dynamics of Multiple Mobile Manipulators Handling Non-rigid Material,” IFAC Journal on Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, special issue on “AI and Smart Machines in Agriculture”, Elsevier, Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2001, pp 91-105.
[16] G.Anoussaki and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Simultaneous Localization and Map-Building for a Mobile Robot Based on Ultrasonics” IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, pp. 42-53, Vol. 6, Is. 3, Sep. 1999.
[15] K.J. Kyriakopoulos, G. Migadis and K. Sarrigeorgidis “The NTUA Snake: Design, Planar Kinemtics & Motion Planning”, Journal of Robotic Systems, 1999, Vol. 16, Is. 1, pp 37-72.
[14] H.G. Tanner and K.J. Kyriakopoulos “Modeling of Two Mobile Manipulators Handling a Deformable Object”, Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol. 15(1), November 1998, pp. 599-624.
[13] K.J. Kyriakopoulos, P. Yiannakos, V. Kallipolites and K. Domales “A Geometric Calibration Methodology for Single-Head Cone-Beam X-Ray Systems” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 24, No. 2, February, 1999.
[12] K.J. Kyriakopoulos, H.G. Tanner and N.J. Krikelis “Navigation of Nonholonomic Vehicles in Complex Environments with Potential Fields and Tracking”, Int. Journal of Intelligent Control & Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, 487- 495 (1996).
[11] K.J. Kyriakopoulos, A. Zink, M.S. Ali and H.E. Stephanou “Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling and Force/Position Control of the Anthrobot-2 Dexterous Hand”, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 26, Part B, No 12., Dec. 1996.
[10] A.Curran and K.J.Kyriakopoulos “Sensor – Based Self Localization for Wheeled Mobile Robots”, Journal of Robotic Systems, 12(3), 163-176, 1995.
[9] A.Curran and K.J.Kyriakopoulos “Ultrasonic Navigation of a Wheeled Nonholonomic Vehicle”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems,12:239-258, 1995.
[8] G.J.Pappas and K.J.Kyriakopoulos “Stabilization of Nonholonomic Vehicles under Kinematic Constraints”, International Journal of Control, Vol.61, No.4, 933-947, 1995.
[7] K.J.Kyriakopoulos, G.N.Saridis “Optimal and Sub optimal Motion Planning for Collision Avoidance of Mobile Robots in Non-stationary Environments”, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 12:1-45, 1995.
[6] C.M.Rekkas, K.J.Kyriakopoulos and N.J.Krikelis “An Algorithm for the estimation of systematic error in radar measurements”, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol.25, 1994
[5] K.J.Kyriakopoulos, G.N.Saridis “Minimum Jerk for Intelligent Planning and Control” Robotica, Vol. 12, pp 109-113, 1994.
[4] K.J.Kyriakopoulos, G.N.Saridis “An Integrated Collision Prediction and Avoidance Scheme for Mobile Robots in Non-stationary Environments”, Automatica, Vol. 29, No 2, March 1993, pp. 309 – 322.
[3] K.J.Kyriakopoulos, G.N.Saridis “Minimum Distance Estimation and Collision Prediction under Uncertainty for On-line Robotic Motion Planning” Automatica, Vol. 28, No. 2, p.p. 389-394, 1992.
[2] K.J.Kyriakopoulos, G.N.Saridis “On-Line Collision Prediction for Mobile Robot Collision Avoidance under Uncertainty” Robotersysteme, Vol. 8, No. 2 1992.
[1] F.Wang, K.J.Kyriakopoulos, T.Tsolkas, G.N.Saridis “A Petri-Net Coordination Model for an Intelligent Mobile Robot” IEEE Trans. on System Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 21, No 4, July/August 1991.